Tag: marriage


Marina Balmasheva is a 35-year-old Russian woman who was married to 45-year-old Alexey and lived with him and his son for over 10 years. Now, after her divorce, she set her sights on none other than her step-son. Well why do we marry? What is the meaning of marriage.? What is the difference between animalsand humans ? Are we going forward or backword? Well i dont know much. Probably some well versed theologists can explain.

Strange laws

Strange laws

wahab riaz

wahab riaz

pakistani cricketer Wahab Riaz is booked for violating “one dish” rule at a party he arranged in connection with his marriage at his residence in lahore.Section 188 of Pakistan Penal Code banS serving more than one dishes at marriage ceremonies.what may be the logic of this law? May be to reduce the expenditure!